The story so far…
Week 8: The Dead Complain of Their Burial / Arrange Your Face (Part 1)
Thomas Avery comes back to Austin Friars with a letter from Tyndale sewn into a jerkin. “Neat stitching,” Cromwell says. A woman with “good eyes”, “lovely eyes too” in Vaughan’s household. An orphan. “We are all teaching her English.”
Week 40: The Bleach Fields
Jenneke appears at Cromwell’s house and reveals herself as Anselma’s child and his daughter. Stephen Vaughan and Thomas Avery already knew. He encourages her to stay, but it is clear she is here only to see him and tell him how William Tyndale died.
Week 46: Ascension Day (Part 1/2)
Jenneke writes from Antwerp asking to come to England. He advises her to speak to Stephen Vaughan.
If she comes she will be in danger, and a source of danger too. The king has made it clear that certain sectaries must avoid his realm. He can ask for her discretion. Can he ask her to dissimulate? He has asked it of others. He says to himself, if Cranmer can hide a wife, surely I can hide a daughter.