Also known as Natalia. Not to be confused with her mother.
Book 1, Part 1
Chapter 7
It is St Natalia’s Day, and she and her mother are celebrating their name day.
Chapter 8
Black-eyed, wide-mouthed and “full of life”, thirteen-year-old Natasha runs into the story with a doll folded into her dress. She is so evidently adored and indulged in by her parents. Her laughter fills the room. When she leaves the room, Boris and Petya follow.
Chapter 9
“A regular volcano”, the count calls Natasha. A human fireball. They admit they have spoiled her and been very lenient. “But really that seems the best plan,” says the countess.
Chapter 10
In the conservatory, she dons her “cap of invisibility” and hides in her ambush, savouring the romance of her brother and Sonya. She wishes Boris to make similar gestures of undying love, but one gets the sense it is from a childish joy and not a real love of Boris.
Chapter 11
Natasha is full of contradictions. She is feeling “kind and affectionate to everyone” on this special day. But at the same time, she is irritated with the “diplomat” Boris and her older sister Vera: “your greatest pleasure is to be unpleasant to people!”
Chapter 15
Here she is at her name-day party! Beaming with pleasure. Marya Dmitrievna calls her “my Cossack” and gives her some ruby-earings. She’s clearly having a fabulous time.
Chapter 16
“Flushed with reckless and joyous resolution”, she goes into battle against Marya Dmitrievna, le terrible dragon, in the brave cause of finding out the pudding situation. And with a glance, she invites Pierre to join in her game.
Chapter 17
How our little heroine flits between childishness and maturity! Comforting her cousin with compassion and delighting in “dancing with a grown-up man, who had been broad.” That fat and funny Pierre. And while she is playing at being grownup, she is loving how her father is playing at being young again.