Happy New Year!
This is just a quick message to say thank you to everyone who has taken up either or both of this year’s reading challenges: War and Peace, and Mantel’s Cromwell trilogy.
At least count, we had 1,402 people saying they are reading War and Peace this year. And 829 people are reading the Wolf Hall books. We’ve got readers from every US state and almost 100 countries.
This week, I sent out four posts:
Across the Narrow Sea / Paternity
Mantel's Magic
An invitation to a soirée
A tale of two bears
If you were expecting to receive any of these posts but didn’t, it probably means your notification settings need changing here:
Just switch on “War and Peace” and/or “Cromwell Trilogy” to make sure you don’t miss next week’s updates.
There are also some dedicated chat threads open:
War and Peace
1 Jan: Chapter 1
2 Jan: Chapter 2
3 Jan: Chapter 3
4 Jan: Chapter 4
5 Jan: Chapter 5
6 Jan: Chapter 6
7 Jan: Chapter 7
Wolf Hall
Across the Narrow Sea / Paternity
From next week, Wolf Hall posts will go out on Wednesdays and War & Peace posts will be with you on Sundays. I think this will work a little better with the rhythms of the two read-alongs.
Thank you for everyone’s support this week. It has been an exceedingly busy one for me, but it is very exciting to get these two projects underway.
Until next time,
I’m grateful to you @simonhaisell for this opportunity particularly getting into a rhythm of reading daily. I also enjoy the community engagement. Best wishes
Many thanks, Simon. Of course, it would be totally wrong to be competitive, but...
But well done to everybody taking part in all the readalongs - and enjoy the journey.